Jesus, this guy Dennis Michael Lynch is batty, but he's a regular guest you'll see on Fox News. Neil Cavuto is happy to trot out this racist garbage.
Cavuto invited the aptly-named Lynch on so he could promote his vicious, Latino-bashing "documentary", and first on the menu was a discussion of a prison escape in Mexico near the border, and the Fox-fed fears that the escapees are on their way to the U.S.
CAVUTO: But Dennis, you probably think these guys are on their way here, right?
LYNCH: Oh, they're gonna come to vote, and then they'll get a work permit -- if Obama has his way.
... I was down there. Places with no fence, no lights. No Border Patrol. They're finding Korans and they're finding prayer rugs in the desert.
Not everybody's coming here to cut your lawn. Some people are coming here to cut your throat.
This is the biggest problem we have facing our nation.
Lynch then launches into a prolonged whine because no one wants to show his sucky film. He's crying about being rejected by theater owners everywhere, including Texas and Arizona. What a shock.
From Media Matters: On Fox, Filmmaker Michael Lynch Says Not All Immigrants Are "Coming Here To Cut Your Lawn" -- Some Are Coming To "Cut Your Throat"