September 28, 2015

On 60 Minutes tonight, Donald Trump reiterated his call to "round up" undocumented immigrants and send them back to their native countries.

He did, however, promise that he would do it in a very "humane manner," and suggested they'd be grateful for it because then they could come back in legally.

I had to listen to it twice to believe what I was hearing, because it was that bad.

Transcript via CBS News:

Donald Trump: First of all, I have to start a little bit differently. We're going to build a wall and we're going to create a border. It's going to be a great wall and it's not going to be very expensive. And it's going to be peanuts compared to the kind of numbers, you know?

Scott Pelley: How are you going to build a wall--

Donald Trump: It's called management.

Scott Pelley: --that is cheap and impenetrable?

Donald Trump: It will be a real wall. It'll be a wall that works. It'll actually be a wall that will look good, believe it or not. 'Cause what they have now is a joke. They're-- they're ugly, little and don't work.

Scott Pelley: Let's assume your wall has gone up.

Donald Trump: Good.

Scott Pelley: Eleven, 12 million illegal immigrants--

Donald Trump: Or whatever the number is.

Scott Pelley: Still in the country, what do you do?

Donald Trump: If they've done well they're going out and they're coming back in legally. Because you said it----

Scott Pelley: You're rounding them all up?

Donald Trump: We're rounding 'em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. And they're going to be happy because they want to be legalized. And, by the way, I know it doesn't sound nice. But not everything is nice.

Scott Pelley: It doesn't sound practical.

Donald Trump: It is practical. It's going to work. They have to come here legally. And you know, when I talk about the wall, and I said it before, we're going to have a tremendous, beautiful, wide-open door. Nice big door. We want people to come into the country.

Scott Pelley: You know, the problem with a lot of these ideas is that the president of the United States is not the CEO of America.

Donald Trump: That's right.

I wasn't sure I could be more disturbed than I was after he said he would round people up, but then there was this.

Scott Pelley: The constitution is going to tell you no.

Donald Trump: We'll see.

Scott Pelley: The Congress is going to tell you no.

Donald Trump: We'll see.

Scott Pelley: The Supreme Court is gonna tell you no.

Donald Trump: Well, we'll see.

Scott Pelley: And you're not used to working in an environment like that.

In other words, Donald Trump says he will either bend the will of the other two branches of government to make them do what he wants them to do, or he will just do whatever the hell he wants anyway?

This is how dictatorships are made, and it's not all that different from the lunatic Tea Partyers who are cheering John Boehner's resignation because they live in UnicornFartLand where if they just had someone who is a "fighter," they would just get their way magically no matter what anyone else had to say about it.

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