June 3, 2016

As anyone with a Twitter account knows, Donald Trump is a mad tweeter, in both senses of the word. He is mad in that he tweets all the time, randomly, stupidly, nonsensically most of the time. He is also a mad tweeter in that many of his tweet are actually quite angry. So it was no surprise that he would tweet out a few gems after Hillary Clinton gave her amazing, epic, utterly Presidential speech on Thursday, June 2nd. In fact, Hillary predicted he would:

"We all know the tools Donald Trump brings to the table – bragging, mocking, composing nasty tweets – I’m willing to bet he’s writing a few right now."

His response was, predictably, a tweet (including one misspelled word):

Response tweet:


Hillary Clinton had this site ready to go. It breaks down every part of her speech where she attributes a statement to Trump and cites the source and year, if needed. It. Was. Epic.

Trump, enemy of facts, lost badly. In crucial Battle ONE on Twitter, Hillary was the clear winner. Slam dunk, knock out punch, no disputing.

Hillary 1
Trump 0

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