Best Way To Watch Olympics Is With Leslie Jones On Twitter
Credit: @lesdoggg (Leslie Jones)
August 8, 2016

There is really no better way to watch the Olympics than with an over the top superfan like Leslie Jones. The SNL / Ghostbusters star is having so much fun and tweeting every single moment.

You will need headphones at work because of loud swears, and turn the volume down at home too. Then sit back and enjoy. I'm that viewer who only watches highlights of women's gymnastics after they've competed but I spent an hour last night on every sport with Leslie.

First up: some broadcasting advice for Bob Costas:

And she's got no time for Tom Brokaw. None:

She's got to watch all the sports. All:

Women's weightlifting. With a Leslie Jones twist:

Asking the tough questions the mainstream sports commentators won't ask:

And her frank editorial on the difference between NBA and Olympic Basketball Rules (turn the volume down I warned you)

Enjoy all the sports. But it's okay to have a favorite:

People Magazine pointed out that @lesdoggg is helping raise awareness of every sport, so much so that NBC brass wishes she was there.

While fans celebrated Jones' enthusiasm, her dedicated live-tweeting also caught the attention of NBC Olympics' executive producer, Jim Bell.

Bell playfully extended an invite for Jones to join the Olympics coverage in Rio after a Twitter user pointed out that Jones' commentary would not only help NBC's ratings but also inspired Team U.S.A. to win more gold medals.

"You're officially invited to Rio. Want to come?" Bell tweeted at the comedian.

More at Leslie Jones' twitter feed. Have fun!

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