It's hard to argue with universally accepted logic especially when it's applied to basic standards that any candidate for POTUS should meet. These are non-partisan guidelines for decency to be eligible to serve: 'Love the United States, do what's right and stick with the truth.' These are the basic tenets according to Duck Dynasty's Uncle Silas, a.k.a. Si Robertson, who is also a Republican. However, Republicans have seldom, if ever,done what's good for America and its people.
Oddly enough, his beloved, Klan-friendly, Republican Party has shown nothing but disdain for America's citizens, their well-being, science and of course they've shown a total rebuke of any environmental protections. Yet, Herr Drümpf pretends that he is the self-righteous savior, the common man's rich guy who is the champion of the average worker; even though his business record clearly shows he cares not one Iota for the plight of the average struggling American. His record of straight-up conning and scamming those in financial need would indicate that Trump only seems to view the rank and file of American workers as a limitless supply of rubes to fleece, providing him opportunity to try out various scams without any personal financial risk. Bankruptcy protects Donald while those who have been the prey of this unethical devil have no recourse.
The jolly DD Uncle made an appearance on Fox and Friends Weekend, primarily to plug his new book, "Si-renity" which is just some good old fashioned Louisiana tales, for the rubes who buy into his love of god and country. The brother of patriarch Phil Robertson is trying to come off as an ideologue who would love to vote for the perfect candidate: God. He has said this on several occasions, suggesting that he's so virtuous, only a perfect being will do for the his high hillbilly wannabe-standards. Presidential politics, he infers, is simply beneath him. If you believe that, I have some choice real estate to sell you at top dollar near the Nevada Nuclear Test Site.
Uncle Si risks nothing by making such an absurd suggestion, as a supreme deity is never going to be on the ballot. 'Silas' always looks like a swell guy who just wants everything to be perfect for people (who look like him) and share the same sexual preference. .
“It’s impossible for him to lie. Number two, he’s going to do what’s right because he loves this United States of America, and…that’s the truth—he was with us from the founding of this nation.”
The US Army veteran and Duck Commander duck call maker said the American voter should “vet” their candidates against those three ideals: “That’s the standard—love the United States, do what’s right and then stick with the truth.
His family supported Ted Cruz until he caved under the semi-obese weight of the Orange Tyrant. It was Herr Drumpenfuhrer who usurped the nomination from the pathetic sampling of the 'best and brightest' of the Republican clown car. The cream of the 'crap' rose to the top.
The most morally bankrupt candidate in history has inadvertently earned Uncle Si's vote, regardless of this candidate's inability to be honest, coherent, or competent. Then again, a family like the Robertsons aren't known for their authenticity and we should expect nothing less from such habitual liars.
If history is any judge of future performance, the egregious malice and incompetence with which the Republican party has 'governed.' a.k.a. punished its faithful, will perpetuate. When a party audaciously brags about a disdain for their stated purpose, the very act of governance, we can expect only what we've seen thus far: the worst government that humanity has to offer, deceptively and brilliantly marketed.
They have mastered the art of motivating those who have little to gain from a very irrelevant part, and they pledge their undying support to the Grand Old Party. These (R) voters are easy prey for the likes of Si Robertson and other profiteering grifters.
Has the GOP become a terrible reality show? I'd say so, but that's not all, there's much worse to come if this frightening monster ascends to the office of the Presidency. As Capper always says, There's more, there's always more... and more means more awful.