In case you are fortunate enough to not have a Dinesh d'Sousa tweet pass your timeline occasionally, this one got a snapback that's worth catching.
Dinesh is a frequent Putin / Trump worshipper, because he is weakling wife cheater who needs a strongman in his life to pretend to emulate while he makes fake documentaries about Obama and Clinton for the low information voter. Because if you make a movie pretending that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 -- and the Southern Strategy of the Republican Party ever since -- never happened, you can make that Democrat Party look like the real racists.
Wonkette has his number:
Ever since poor, oppressed Dinesh D’Souza got sprung from jail, he’s been doing SHOCK MOVIES! about Hillary, and good god, Obama and Hillary haven’t come after him even once. And she’s the one with the supposed “body count” or whatever! Awwwww, poor Dinesh, too much of a f**king failure to even make the Clinton Kill List, LOLOLOLOL!
A commenter at Mock, Paper Scissors agrees:
Putin would totally allow crazy cranks to make smear movies about him and release them all over Russia. I think D’Vorce D’Spousa should give that a try and start developing a taste for Polonium Moscow Mules while he’s at it.
In case you missed them, here are a couple of Dinesh D'Souza's greatest Twitter hits:

Hey Dinesh: Delete Your Account.