Despite the fact that we have no idea what is in the new batch of Hillary Clinton-related emails being reviewed by the FBI, Sean Hannity and Rudy Giuliani didn’t even bother to contain their glee over all the possible jail terms they can’t wait to see her serve.
October 29, 2016

Despite the fact that we have no idea what is in the new batch of Hillary Clinton-related emails being reviewed by the FBI, Sean Hannity and Rudy Giuliani didn’t even bother to contain their glee over all the possible jail terms they can’t wait to see her serve.

John Ziegler, a conservative columnist at Mediaite, nicely sums up the situation following the news that the FBI has come across some new emails that appear to be pertinent to the case of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, but may or may not be from it, in the completely unrelated Anthony Weiner sexting case. He writes:

Frankly, even in this short attention span era of constant rush to judgment it is difficult to recall a situation where more was made out of less information than this one. Could this be a big deal? Sure, but at this point there is no indication that it is and, if anything, it appears to more likely to be much ado about nothing (Dick Morris immediately called it a “game-changer,” so the opposite is almost certainly true). To this point all we know is that Hillary’s emails are under investigation, as is Weiner’s sexting. Other than learning that there MAY be a tenuous connection between to the two, none of that is remotely new information.

But Hannity and Giuliani don’t need any stinking facts to suggest to Fox News viewers that Clinton is about to spend decades in jail.

Frankly, I haven’t seen Hannity look so happy and chipper since the RNC convention as he posted on the screen a list of “real felonies, real crimes” that Giuliani feels should be investigated (as if the FBI hasn’t already).

“The evidence of intent is overwhelming,” Giuliani declared. As Hannity went through his list of crimes on the screen and the years in jail he eagerly anticipated, Giuliani laughed loudly and heartily.

Then Hannity came up with his conspiracy theory about the latest emails:

HANNITY: Now here’s my theory: I think they used Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner as an opportunity because the FBI, the Justice Department, the State Department and the White House are scared to death because all of them colluded individually with the Clinton campaign and gave them all a heads up and they all protected the president who was emailing on that very server and lied to the American people. True or false?

GIULIANI: Looks that way. Looks that way. I mean it looks like you have a massive conspiracy here.

Oh, come on. This is worse than Hannity’s phony-baloney claims that Hillary Clinton is at death’s door. Which, by the way, he seems to have forgotten all about.

Watch these two take joy in someone else's (phantom, so far) misfortune, from the October 28, 2016 Hannity.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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