Priorities are important, which is why the forced-birth organizations are so anxious for Jeff Sessions' appointment as Attorney General.
The Daily Beast reports:
“The main reason the House of Representatives did it was because the Justice Department was failing to,” McClusky said of Blackburn’s investigation. “If your party is in power, you can’t use the excuse, ‘We’re doing this because the Justice Department dropped the ball.’”
And Kristan Hawkins, who heads Students for Life, said she shares that view.
“There’s no doubt in the pro-life movement where Jeff Sessions stands,” she said. “Sen. Sessions has always been a staunch advocate for the preborn and their moms, and we fully expect that he would do the same as attorney general.”
“We’re looking forward to Sen. Sessions becoming Attorney General Sessions and investigating this,” she added, “and, yes, prosecuting Planned Parenthood for their crimes.”
You know, those crimes no one committed. Those "crimes," which served as a wedge to encourage Republicans to unconstitutionally steal a Supreme Court nomination so they could turn women toward Margaret Atwood's fictional Gilead. Those.
And yet, I hear no enthusiasm from these same do-gooders for the newly-minted bigot Attorney General to investigate how Russians hacked our election, and what consequences that has for the country and our democracy as a whole.
It is a good time to donate to Planned Parenthood, if you can manage. They're going to need it.