February 8, 2017

Conservative commentator Charles Sykes told MSNBC that Donald Trump, "has officially spent more time criticizing Nordstrom than criticizing Vladimir Putin.

After the clothing chain dropped Ivanka from their stores, Trump was very angry about it and used his favorite tool of communication,Twitter, to voice his aggravation.

On MSNBC, Katy Tur observed, "The president of the U.S. going after a private company for dropping his daughter's lines of shoes. They say this is a political attack. It's in response to the company saying essentially that they don't agree with president Trump's policies and so they are taking it out on his daughter."

Charlie Sykes replied, "It's a business decision, which Donald Trump should understand. In the free market, people make these decisions."

He continued, "Two things that struck me. Number one, his on going inability to separate his business from his duties as president of the United States. Number two, that now he has officially spent more time criticizing Nordstrom than criticizing Vladimir Putin."

Sykes is not a fan of Trump and wrote an op-ed in the NY Times blasting his own involvement in dumbing down the conservative base and desensitizing them from recognizing legitimate news sources.

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