March 3, 2017

About an hour ago, Trump tweeted this ridiculous piece of tripe. Apparently he had nothing better to do while on Air Force One heading to Florida where he will corrupt visit some schoolchildren before retiring to his Mar-a-Lago estate at taxpayers' expense.

So it turns out that the tweet came from an Infowars editor, who tweeted the picture around 17 hours ago or so. Or it came from Gateway Pundit, the stupidest man on the Internet who now has a White House press credential. Either way, fake news.

Schumer clapped back.

Well played, Sen. Schumer.

Of course, this is ridiculous spin on so many levels. The meeting was in 2003, as Schumer points out. It was public. And it wasn't conducted in relationship with a presidential campaign or Russian interference in one.

Trump's tweet does amplify the crazies on the right, guided by Alex Jones, Breitbart and more. He tossed a tidbit to the base and some deflection to everyone else.

None of that changes the fact that Jeff Sessions is in real trouble, the Trump administration is a hot mess of pandering Russian puppets, and the Head Puppet is in the Oval Office.

Watch Ari Melber explain why this is so unpresidential in the video above.


But Hannity loved it.

Update 2: Senator Schumer's communications director:

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