Texas called a special legislative session to make gender rules about which bathroom I can use. Bad enough.
But, Missouri beat us. Seriously.
Missouri Republican State Representative (do your cringing now) Mike Moon is a big abortion opponent, and abortion is on the agenda for their special session.
Mike is a creepy looking guy who is far too concerned about abortion in the creepiest way possible.
To demonstrate that he wants to “get to the heart of the matter” about abortion, Moon filmed himself beheading a chicken and then taking its heart out, all the while discussing crap like “God gave us dominion over his creatures.” You can see it by clicking here, but (thankfully) they also offer a written transcript.
Now all this chicken massacre is going on while the rest of the legislature is calling for a special investigation of the Governor on ethics charges.
Missouri legislative motto: We’re kinda busy right now but we do have chicken for lunch.
Originally published at JuanitaJean.com