After hearing the NY Attorney General is working with the Special Counsel, Trump's most trusted show Fox and Friends, came out today in support of Rep. Ron DeSantis bogus legislation to kill Bob Mueller's special counsel investigation.
Fox News led the charge into investigating everything Clinton, Benghazi, the Foundation and everything in between for decades, with no restraint on money or time, but now they are getting really nervous.
Republicans are still calling for more investigations into Hillary Clinton, years after the fact and even after the general election. The Senate is even looking into the behavior of Loretta Lynch during the Clinton investigation, even though the FBI handled the effort and she recused herself.
Cue to Brian Kilmeade.
"Is it time to end the Russia investigation? One Republican congressman says yes, and soon," he said.
Brian continued, "He's proposing legislation to kill the special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into the presidential ties into Russia six months after it passes. It seems reasonable. Here to explain his new measure is Florida GOP congressman, member of the House Oversight Committee of Government Reform Ron DeSantis. Congressman, six months is enough. Plus, you had James Comey investigating prior to this. Where's this proposal going?"
Six months is enough! And don't worry about checking into Trump's tax returns, right?
DeSantis first statement was one of high comedy, "Well, Brian, what we want to do is say very clearly we don't want to fund fishing expeditions..."
That's what the entire Republican Congress did for four years after President Obama was reelected in 2012 after the Benghazi tragedy.
Suddenly, Fox and Friends and Rep. DeSantis are very worried.
DeSantis said, "Deputy Attorney General [Rod Rosenstein] appointed Mueller, he issued an order that did not identify a crime. He identified a counterintelligence investigation that Comey had been conducting. So you're in a situation where you don't have any limit, you don't have any scope, and what happens is with a special counsel, it's not like the normal prosecutor where have you all these other cases you got to worry about. This is all you're doing. And so, if you don't have an obvious evidence of a crime, your incentive is to just find something. And so, my amendment basically says, look, this thing needs to be limited to the campaign and Russia and it needs to have an end date. If you haven't produced evidence of a crime after almost two years of investigating, because Comey investigated for a year before Mueller was appointed, then at some point we have to move on with the American people's business."
Paul Manafort definitely has their panties in a bunch.
The entire political world wondered why Trump hired Manafort in the first place,
Kilmeade asked, "Does it concern you what you’ve known so far, the fact that they raid Paul Manafort's house? They are looking at his international contacts. Does it bother you that Robert Mueller reportedly conferring with the arch-enemy of President Trump, the Attorney General Schneiderman..."
Of course it bothers him. Boo, the special counsel. Boo!
"The appointing order that Rosenstein issued to appoint Mueller, it invites a fishing expedition because there is no limits to it. Congress needs to provide those limits, " DeSantis said.
Kilmeade then claimed Rosenstein committed a crime, "Rosenstein seems to be a gift to Democrats and anti-Trumpers that just want to see this president not be successful. The way this was written seems criminal."
What's criminal is this entire segment, and the incredible hypocrisy of Fox News.