October 18, 2017

This is perjury, obstruction of a Senate Oversight Committee, and contempt of Congress. And the Republicans won't do a damn thing about it.

Jeff Sessions is questioned by Pat Leahy about past testimony Sessions has given to the committee. Sessions obfuscates. "Part E" of your question...I met the Russian Ambassador at the Republican National Convention, where he requested another meeting....I met him again with members of my defense staff.

And then, the real kicker.

Have you been contacted by the Special Counsel (Robert Mueller)?

Sessions smirks, licks his lips, and suggests that he shouldn't answer the question without checking with the Special Counsel.

Have you met with the Special Counsel?


Well, it looks like you're gonna, don't it? And Trump was mad you'd recused yourself.

Recusing yourself from participating in the investigation is because you might be a TARGET of the investigation, and obviously, now you are.

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