GOP Loses Control Of VA House Of Delegates After Democrat Wins Recount By One Vote
December 19, 2017

If there was ever any doubt in anyone's mind that their vote doesn't count, please refer them to the recount results in Virginia's 94th District, where the recount shows that Democrat Shelly Simonds won by one single vote.

According to Virginian Pilot reporter Jordan Pascale, there are no disputed ballots, leaving the final count at 11,608 for Simonds to 11,607 for the Republican. The results are not considered final until a judge certifies them tomorrow.

Once certified, control of Virginia's House of Delegates will be shared, due to the 50-50 split between the two parties.

Here she is celebrating.

And just a reminder....

It is likely Medicaid expansion will be done in Virginia now. Yes, your votes matter. Always.

Update: Chuck Todd reports that Republicans have conceded the seat.

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