January 15, 2018

CNN's John Berman took the right track after hearing how Trump defenders are now trying to peel away the racist he made by substituting the term "shithouse" instead of "shithole" after he described Haiti and other African nations on Thursday.

The CNN host opened up the segment by saying,

“It all comes down to the difference between a hole and a house.”

The Washington Post's Josh Dawsey, who broke the "shithole" story on Thursday was asked to explain the Trump administration's new tact.

After laying out this new moronic plan, Dawsey said, "To be clear, I've called my sources repeatedly over the weekend. I know colleagues, other outlets have too and no one in the White House is denying it other than the president that he made a similar remark to what we reported. Just a difference in hearing on how he ended that phrase."

An incredulous Berman replied, "So, Josh, I’m tempted to say that Republican Senators Perdue and Cotton are going on TV denying the comments were said, and they’re hanging it on the difference between a ‘blank-hole’ and a ‘blank-house.'

He continued, "One might reasonably ask, are you f-ing kidding me?”

So if I called Trump a "shitheel" instead of a "shitstain," does that make it all better?

If I called Corey Lewandowski a lump of fecal matter instead of a piece of shite, does that change the meaning of my words?

Waiting days to come up with this new bogus defense is even weak by Kellyanne Conway's "alternative facts" standards.

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