Wednesday's Child is Full of ...
WHOA!! Digby has the immediate dirt on Trump's tariffs, which will send this once-great nation of ours into the economic toilet. Too much even for a rentier parasite like former Goldman Sachs C.E.O. Gary Cohn, who resigned from his post as Trump's chief economic adviser in protest or something. Be ready to have your pockets picked by a round of Reagan-style inflation, chumps!
Question for the ages: Is A.G. J.B. Sessions III more like a Keebler Elf, or Mr. Magoo? Ironic Times #909.
Juanita Jean notes a Congressperson (Republican? Obvs.!) from the Great State of Jaw-juh who doesn't exactly travel light.
Chiseling away the Grand Chiseler: "Watching Trump's name being chiseled off of a hotel in Panama may be the best thing you will see all day", advises The Immoral Minority. We'll let you know in this very space if we find anything more heart-warming.
SuperBeets salesperson Dana Loesch is raked over some coals for her violent rhetoric by a Peacock.
Above coals raked over by M. Bouffant, who has one of those web-log deals himself.
Send tips to MBRU (at) crooksandliars (dot) com.