So often in the Trump Era, we have to rely on comedians to speak the obvious truth. So yesterday when it was revealed that Ronny Jackson allegedly handed out Percocet at will, and wrote himself prescriptions, DL Hughley let loose:
“He has wife beaters, ...why not a drug dealer?”
“I watched him build a temporary monument to the people, to the victims of the opioid crisis.
You know what black people, what people on crack, got built for them? Prisons.”
“I watched Stormy Daniels say the President of the United States had unprotected sex with her.
If you’re a 60-year-old man and you don’t care about gonorrhea, how can you worry about North Korea?”
Host Nicolle Wallace wondered if “That’s the most disturbing part of that story? Not getting spanked by the magazine?”
No, Nicolle. Hughley is right:
“You’re 60 years old and you’re playing craps with your sexual organs? That’s a mistake young football players make!”