Mike's Blog Round Up
April 9, 2018

The FBI raids the home of your former campaign manager, as well as the office of your personal lawyer. Your whole administration is a cesspool of grift and corruption. You yourself are basically running a crime syndicate, though that syndicate itself may be under Russian control. You're running the country, to the extent you're running anything at all, like the kleptocratic fascist you are, and you belong to a party that refuses to do anything about it, because so many of your fellow members are deeply compromised themselves in one way or another.

You consider any investigation into your crimes, or those of your associates, a "witch hunt," or more threateningly an attack on the country. Indeed, you abhor the very rule of law itself, because you have spent most of your life on the other side of it. And now, as the investigation gets closer and closer, and the fear and loathing rises within you, you're about to initiate a constitutional crisis, or so it would appear, not to mention a war or two to try to wag the dog.

Meanwhile, your fellow Republicans, more and more desperate, are talking impeachment to stoke yet more fear in the base – yours and theirs, it's the same – ahead of the midterms. (Because of course they are.) But will it matter, given that there could be a political bloodbath on the way?

Yes, it's only Tuesday morning. How's your week going so far?

Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here all week.

Send requests and suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com (with "For MBRU" in the subject line).

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