I know you're all still reeling from last night's news that, having barely recovered from Alex Jones's Second Civil War, we Democrats and "the Left" are now supposed to gear up for Tucker Carlson's "coup." Take a breath people! I thought Republicans were the ones who would get tired of winning?
Alex Jones apparently got wind of our plans, picnics, and politics during the Independence Day celebration. Who told him!?! Right Wing Watch reviewed his response:
Today, Jones responded to the fact that nothing significant whatsoever had happened on Wednesday with a confusing explanation containing both claims that media outlets had lied about the details of his predictions and claims that parts of his predictions actually had come true.
On one hand, Jones said, the fact that actor turned pro-Trump pundit James Woods claimed that he had been dropped by his agent was actually a statement that “the war starts now.” Jones also rambled on about a difference between a “cold civil war” and a “hot civil war.”
“That’s how they take my victory of predicting all this first and turn it to defeat, in their own minds,” Jones said.