This is the week Donald Trump groveled before Vladimir Putin. In the meantime, Barack Obama was delivering the annual Nelson Mandela lecture in South Africa.
Obama was clearly pointing to Cheeto Mussolini and his administration when he got to the part about alternative facts: "Without facts there is no basis for co-operation. If I say this is a podium and you say this is an elephant, it is going to be hard for us to co-operate.
He used that example to point to the "debate" about the Paris Climate accords. People can argue about tactics for energy use, Obama said, but "I can't find common ground if someone says climate change is not happening when almost all the world's scientists say it is. If you start saying it is an elaborate hoax, where do we start?"
He also slammed politicians who get caught in a lie for doubling down. Whomever could he mean?
"It used to be if you caught [politicians] lying, they said: 'Oh man'. Now they just keep on lying."
The full speech is here. Enjoy listening to an articulate president who reads books and tells the truth: