Mike's Blog Round Up
August 22, 2018

Today's Edition: Smut, Plea Bargaining & "Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!"

The Rude Pundit finds (smutty) poetry in the legal stylings of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Also found: The usual Republican hypocrisy.

More smut: Echidne of the Snakes on lies, damned lies & "incel" statistics. "Do 20% of Men 'Get' 80% Of All Heterosexual Sex?"

The Mahablog looks at white-collar crime. There's a lot of it in these United Snakes, & little is done to prosecute it. Not unlike Russia's oligarchy.

From the "Pimp Yourself" e-mail (mbru@crooksandliars.com): Seasonal ("Summer's Almost Gone") & political musings from Donna, w/ cat & raccoon pix! (Cat & 'coon not in the same picture, sadly.)

Bonus Cartoon Cheap Shot: Uranus.

Today's round-up by M. Bouffant, whose output is also available at Web of Evil (& Ennui).

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