Trump To Fix Gender Gap By Replacing Haley With Another Chick
October 15, 2018

Politico, aka Tiger Beat on the Potomac (thanks Charlie!) tells us:

“President Donald Trump’s aides are urging him to replace departing U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley with another woman, hoping the move would help shore up support among female voters before the midterms, three people familiar with the matter told POLITICO…

“…Staffers are especially keen to name a woman to the position with the midterms fast approaching and Trump polling at low levels among the female electorate, particularly after his second Supreme Court pick, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, faced allegations of sexual misconduct and assault.

“The political shop thinks it’s very important to announce a woman before Election Day because of the president’s approval rating and the Kavanaugh stuff,” said one source in regular contact with the president, although others added that pressure to appoint a woman is coming from across the White House.”

Are Republicans so dumb that they think replacing Nikki Haley with another woman TBD is really going to erase a 30 point polling problem that they have with 'The Skirts'?

To the best of my knowledge, in the entire history of the United States, no one has ever said that they would change their vote for Congress based upon the gender of the UN Ambassador. As proof, I submit into evidence that the current Ambassador to the UN is a woman (ALLEGEDLY!), and Republicans are still down 30 points.

QED, boys.

You know, maybe if Republicans would quit nominating obvious misogynists and outright sex offenders (ALLEGED!) to high office and lifetime positions, they might be able to win back women voters?

Just guessing.

But wait! It gets better!


The more consequential internal White House debate over UN ambassador isn’t over who’ll replace Nikki Haley, but over whether it should remain a Cabinet-level position.

Between the lines: National Security Adviser John Bolton, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo all think the role should report to the Secretary of State, per sources familiar with their thinking.

So, the Fourth Reich is thinking: “sure, we will hire another Skirt, but we will demote the role.”

Nice job, boys.

crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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