November 26, 2018

It really is hard for a woman to break out in a male-dominated industry. That is true.

And yes, women who enter that work environment often have to put up with a lot of stupid crap from men.

And it is perfectly okay if you are running for public office, to bring up your past experience with misogyny in the workplace.

What is not okay is repeating sexist violence-against-women jokes at a swanky campaign event and laugh along with your audience ha ha while at the same time touting how great you have been at standing up to patriarchy.

It's not really a fine line, Cindy.

Rodney Dangerfield never told a "shoot my wife in the head, please" joke, but you did.

It's another example of her terrible judgment and complicity with oppression.

UPDATE: MLB has asked for their money back.

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