Right after Mike Pence criticized "Hollywood" for helping Stacey Abrams, the so-called president posted a Hollywood movie poster that makes no sense.
Trump Announces Iran Sanctions With 'Game Of Thrones' Imagery (UPDATED)
Credit: Screen shot/Twitter
November 2, 2018

That image is real. Trump tweeted it on his official verified Trumpy account just a few minutes ago.

What sanctions, you may ask? Iran sanctions, which Trump has chosen to reinstate in order to blow up that region of the world and give Iran carte blanche to manufacture nuclear weapons.


The Trump administration is set to reimpose all sanctions against Iran that had been lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear agreement, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Friday.

He said the US will grant temporary waivers to eight "jurisdictions" from energy related sanctions that will be reimposed on Monday as the Trump administration seeks to ratchet up pressure on the Iranian regime.

"On November 5th, the United States will reimpose sanctions that were lifted as part of the nuclear deal on Iran's energy, shipbuilding, shipping, and banking sectors," Pompeo said in a call with reporters, outlining the administration's latest punitive steps against Tehran since leaving the Iran nuclear deal in May.

Like the man-baby narcissist that he is, Donald J. Effing Trump and someone in the White House decided it would be great to trumpet those sanctions by making them into a meme.

Seems to me we could use that meme to our advantage. Like this:

UPDATE: Because Trump is a thief, he is now being hit about stealing someone else's trademark:

UPDATE 2: Our own Jamie created his own version. I like it. What do you think?


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