Trump Still Owes D.C. Millions For Inaugural
June 15, 2019

The Washington Post headlines this little item —


As a result, the District has been forced to dip into a special fund that covers annual security costs for protecting the city from terrorist threats and hosting other events such as demonstrations, state funerals and the visits of foreign dignitaries.

So that means Trump is putting everybody else at risk. The fund for these expenses is on track to go dry in the fall. And now that we’re turning the 4th of July into a Trump rally (anybody want to bet that there’s fireworks that spell out Trump?), it’s hit rock bottom before then.

And that’s not all.

The Huffington Post also reports —


The Trump campaign owes a total of $841,219 to cities from Burlington, Vermont, to Green Bay and Eau Claire in Wisconsin, Mesa, Arizona, and Spokane, Washington, according to invoices. The largest bill — $470,000 — was for El Paso for a February rally, including $381,000 for extra police and $61,000 for fire department services. Erie, Pennsylvania; Billings, Montana; and Tucson, Arizona, are also still waiting for payment.

Wouldn’t you think the local Republicans parties would be ashamed and pitch in to pay Trump’s bills?

Nah, me neither.

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