It is now Monday and no Republicans have gone on record opposing Hair Füror’s very racist tweets. Even the email thingie from Tiger Beat on the Potomac (thanks Charlie!) has noted it:
IF YOU HAD ANY QUESTION that the Republican Party has fully become the party of the president … NOT ONE elected Republican has called out TRUMP for his go-home remark.
Axios notes in their morning email:
Between the lines: With Republican officials staying silent yesterday, the Trump ally told me, “If anything, history has said that this stuff does go away and that it’s not worth the potentially catastrophic political cost of weighing in against him (as a Republican).”
Racism is the price of selling your soul for tax cuts? Sure, why not?
And this is the place where we note that Trump is the Republican Party.
Republicans elected Trump and continue to enable him; he’s not some sort of quirk, he is the party. Trump is the product 40 (or more) years in the making, from Saint Ronnie’s Cadilac-driving welfare queens and t-bone eating bucks, to Poppy Bush’s Willie Horton ad, to Chimpy’s response to Katrina (and who can forget Babs-the-Impaler saying that the mostly black refugees—with corpses all around—inside the wretched, sewage-filled, Astrodome never had it better!), and now to Trump’s Mexican rapists et al and go back to where you came from rhetoric, all of that racism is Republican, every last drop of it.
Country Club Republicans need to consider their life choices; it’s not a dog whistle anymore.