September 13, 2019

And here we thought Trump and other Republicans attacks on energy-efficient light bulbs was just more lowly pandering to big energy (and common sense). But no, Trump hates the light because it makes him look orange.

Source: NBC News

On a night that featured the Democratic debate, President Donald Trump said he's being cast in a harsh light.

Trump's complaint wasn't about the candidates vying for the nomination and the chance to make the 45th president a one-termer, but was rather was directed at light bulbs.

"People said what's with the light bulb? I said here’s the story, and I looked at it: The bulb that we're being forced to use — No. 1, to me, most importantly, the light's no good. I always look orange," Trump said during a speech at a House Republican retreat dinner.

The audience at the 2019 House Republican Conference Member Retreat Dinner laughed at the comment.

The Trump administration last week said it would roll back requirements for energy-efficient light bulbs under two previous administrations.

Under one action, the Department of Energy plans to repeal a regulation enacted under President Obama requiring an expanded number of light bulbs in the U.S. to be in compliance with stricter energy efficiency standards; and nixed new energy efficiency standards for all pear-shaped light bulbs that were also scheduled to go into effect Jan. 1, 2020.

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