November 18, 2019

UPDATE: Release of materials from the Roger Stone trial contributes to the timing of this investigation. Trump allegedly (heh) lied about knowing about the Wikileaks releases. So did Stone, of course.

Of course Trump lied.

And add that to the House impeachment investigation. CNN:

The House of Representatives is now investigating whether President Donald Trump lied to special counsel Robert Mueller in written answers he provided in the Russia investigation, the House's general counsel said in federal court Monday.

"Did the President lie? Was the President not truthful in his responses to the Mueller investigation?" House general counsel Douglas Letter told the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit about why the House now needs access to grand jury material Mueller collected in his investigation.

Trump's testimony was in writing, so it's not a question of inflection or mis-hearing the question or his answers.

It's a question of his lying under oath. That's a high crime.

Let's recall Mueller's own testimony about Trump:

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