Fox News hosts Rachel Campos-Duffy and Lisa Boothe defended Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump after he did not kiss his wife, Melania, on the lips at the Republican National Convention (RNC) last week.
July 22, 2024

Fox News hosts Rachel Campos-Duffy and Lisa Boothe defended Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump after he did not kiss his wife, Melania, on the lips at the Republican National Convention (RNC) last week.

Following Trump's speech at the RNC, Trump's wife walked out on stage, where the two shared an air kiss.

"Melania absolutely steals the show with her surprise entrance as the Trump family takes center stage, trying to show unity in their family as well," Campos-Duffy said, even though Trump's wife declined to give a speech at the convention. "But what's really amazing was the dress."

"Anna Wintour refuses to put her on Vogue," she continued. "She doesn't need Vogue. She is the most fashionable first lady that ever."

"I mean, look how graceful," Boothe agreed. "Could she be any more beautiful?"

"No!" Campos-Duffy exclaimed. "It's impossible."

"Well, they're also criticizing the kiss," Campos-Duffy noted. "They're saying, oh, he didn't kiss her on the lips."

"Have you ever been made up?" she asked. "And you give a kind of a little bit of a side kiss or an air kiss to your husband. Give me a break!"

"They can't stand that she's so fashionable and she's a Republican."

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