First there was a Wall of Moms united to protect the peaceful Black Lives Matters protesters in Portland. The footage was absolutely amazing.
Now there is a "Wall of Vets" providing further backup. The group of military veterans joined the Moms and other groups on Friday night, standing united and in full force with signs showing support for the BLM movement. These veterans ranged in age from 20's to senior citizens to disabled.
We have reached the point where veterans and mom's are standing up to the Trump Gestapo. Let that sink in - former military and mom's are protecting peaceful protesters from paramilitary and hired mercenaries who are attacking American citizens on American soil in predominantly Democratic cities.
Alarming videos showed federal "agents" dressed in full camo, but without any identifying markers, have been "disappearing" protesters by throwing them in the back of rented Enterprise vans and driving them to undisclosed locations, without reading them their Miranda rights or telling them what they are being detained for.
Donald Trump is loving this, reveling in the idea that his own personal Gestapo is attacking Democrats, giving the appearnace that he is a strong "law and order" President.
Here are some tweets about the groups:
Here is the Wall of Vets statement:
We at Crooks and Liars stand with all groups that unite to fight hate - Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Kids, Veterans and any other group. Be safe and keep fighting the good fight!