A COVID party (also called corona party, COVID party or lock-down party) is defined as is a gathering with the intention of catching COVID-19. Also, the term "coronavirus party" or similar may refer to a regular party that is organized to rebel against social distancing rules and laws, without any intention of spreading the virus.
It seems likely that the latter definition applies here, where these Kansas students aren't trying to intentionally catch or spread the virus, just thumb their noses at it and any measures against it. In short, being assholes.
It would seem that the "mom" seen here is fine with everything, imploring the driver to leave, even as the COVID partiers are blocking him.
So it goes in Trump's America.
Man has a bizarre encounter with Kappa Sigma & their weird mom at a University of Kansas COVID party pic.twitter.com/ANBj5ML0Zu
— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) August 23, 2020