August 2, 2020

What a week we've had! We said goodbye to John Lewis (one of our most inspirational heroes), watched all sorts of Republican rat-eff'ing from the USPS to watching President Stupid try to cancel culture the upcoming elections. It's been a rollercoaster week, but there are fewer than 100 days till the election, so we got that working for us!

Politics Plus is outraged by how the deals that the arrested Portland Protesters were offered are so clearly unconstitutional.

Spin Easy Time noted the things that no longer seem to matter. It's a startling read.

Liberals Are Cool says that Screwie Louie Gohmert just made the case for privacy (and I will add for Choice) when he thought he was making the case against the Affordable Care Act.

Bonus Track: Shadows and Substance dives deeply into Rod Serling's "What You Need" episode of the Twilight Zone. What better way to end this week!

So that's a wrap for me. I will be back soon, so keep the lights on and the engine running for a quick get-away!

Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Twitters, too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to (with For MBRU in the subject line).

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