The most myopic son of any president ever joined Fox and Friends this morning and tried to castigate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for having "substance abuse issues."
Hey Don, your father's roid-rage tweets crashed the stock markets.
It's publicly acknowledged that Trump has been on a super cocktail of coronavirus drugs, and it's obviously public that he himself suddenly ended negotiations for new a stimulus package. He did so on Twitter. Not a secret.
Steve Doocy told Trump Jr. that Speaker Pelosi thought Trump was exhibiting some roid rage by abruptly ending the talks as he did.
"Yeah well, Nancy has her own substance issues according to the press and according to the media so I won't get into that." said they guy whose eyes were so watery during the RNC that "cocaine" was trending on Twitter.
Say what? He just did "get into it."
And where has any mention of Pelosi having drug issues ever happened?
Is Junior projecting about his own issues? As I said, he's been battered on social media for some of his appearances where he looks hopped up on something.
Don't forget that Don Jr's people let it be known that HE wanted an intervention for his dad as late as two DAYS ago, prompted by the so-called president's "joy ride" around Walter Reed.
Fox didn't ask him about that.
Frances Langum contributed to this post.