Dr. Scott Atlas, a radiologist who was brought on 4 months ago to lead the White House COVID task force, largely because he parroted Trump's non-action game plan of simply allowing people to get sick and die from COVID, has resigned. In his resignation letter, he brags about how great the Trump administration did in handling the coronavirus. I guess 268,000 dead (so far) is considered great to Dr. Atlas.
Ironically, he stated that his "singular focus" was "to save lives and help Americans through this pandemic" and he added that he “always relied on the latest science and evidence, without any political consideration or influence.”
Resignation letter:
(Insert head slamming on desk gif here)
Just a reminder: Atlas pushed for full reopening, balked at lockdowns and came out as anti-mask. So what did he think worked? Herd Stupidity. You know, the idea of just letting everyone get exposed and infected and allowing the sacrifice of large percentages of our population.
This anti-science plan was actually panned by Atlas' own medical school! Stanford, Atlas' alma mater, actually published a letter on September calling out Atlas' "falsehoods and misrepresentations" regarding COVID and his statements that are contrary to all scientific evidence on how to prevent and treat the highly contagious and deadly virus.
Dr. Atlas, may your career as a Doctor of Death forever haunt you and may the souls of the 268,000 people that have died come to you late at night, screaming out, gasping for breath and never giving you a minute of peace.