Mike's Blog Round Up
Cloud FormationCredit: M. Bouffant
February 24, 2021

The Lawrence Ferlinghetti Memorial Edition.

Scottie summarizes some stuff.

Rudy The G. in his natural habitat: Evading subpoenas.

Texas Mess: About-face from Two-Faced Ted, via Earth-Bound Misfit.

P.M. Carpenter on the stupid party.

Now let's see if we can find a non-Tiger Woods item for a bonus track. Ah, here: The Monster That Wouldn't Die. "Seriously? Rush Limbaugh's Odious Talk Show To Be Revived Using 'Decades' of Archived Rot?", from Brane Space.

Curated by M. Bouffant, who is evil yet surprisingly dull. And suggestions are welcome at mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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