Dog Rescue Charity With Links To Lara Trump Funnelling Millions To Donald Trump
Credit: Wikimedia
March 13, 2021

It doesn't get much lower than this, people. Using charities to funnel money into your own pockets. But that's what the Trumps do.

And this one is probably going to run for the U.S. Senate next year in North Carolina.

Source: Huffington Post

A dog rescue charity with links to Lara Trump has spent as much as $1.9 million at former President Donald Trump’s properties over the last seven years and will drop an additional quarter-million at his Mar-a-Lago country club this weekend.

According to a permit filed with the town of Palm Beach, Florida, Big Dog Ranch Rescue estimates it will spend $225,000 at the club where Donald Trump has taken up full-time residence since leaving the White House. All the profit from that spending winds up in his pocket.

Internal Revenue Service filings show that the group has spent as much as $1,883,160 on fundraising costs at Mar-a-Lago and Trump’s golf course 18 miles north in Jupiter starting in 2014. Lara Trump, the wife of Eric Trump, started being listed as a chairwoman for charity events in 2018, and the group’s president, Lauren Simmons, visited the White House in 2019 for the signing of a bill addressing animal cruelty.

Neither Simmons nor other officers of Big Dog Ranch Rescue, which is located in Loxahatchee Groves, 16 miles west of Palm Beach, responded to HuffPost queries.

The Grifter-in-Chief is still out there, scamming away.

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