April 2, 2021

Fox News' and The Hill's Joe Concha was furious that the New York Times seemed to approve of President Biden's jobs plan, but were critical of Trump's plan back in 2018, but that's not the half of it.

A plan that never materialized into anything at all.

By the way, it doesn't matter what both plans contained, it's just the fact that they decided to pan TraitorTrump's.

That proved there's a double standard in the media to Concha, which of course is ridiculous.

In a nutshell, Trump wanted to fund his rebuild America plan using mostly private, state and local governments monies while Biden is focusing on using federal resources.

The president’s plan recasts the federal government as a minority stakeholder in the nation’s new infrastructure projects. Half of the $200 billion promised over 10 years will be used for incentives to spur even greater contributions from states, localities and the private sector.

Summing it up, wealthy private investors would have more weight to decide what gets built and what doesn't in TraitorTrump's plan.

But what really ticked off Concha was Trump's infamous crawl down a slight incline after a West point speech.

If you remember a member of the military had to escort Trump down a very minor sloped ramp because he appeared to be in need of help.

Meanwhile, when President Biden slipped several times running up the stairs to Air Force One, conservatives went ballistic and attacked the media for not considering Biden's fall was due to his diminished mental capacity.

"President Biden falls not once not twice but thrice going up the stairs of Air Force One compared that to Trump walking down a wet ramp at West Point," Concha complained. "He doesn't fall and that got wall-to-wall coverage questioning the president's cognitive abilities while Biden was barely mentioned."

"So, I'm going to write a book on this," he threatened. "I'll announce that on national television because the comparisons the juxtapositions just three months in I already got enough to fill at least 15 chapters."

Calm down, Joe.

Take some deep breaths and stop trying to get your own show on OANN.

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