In April, Carlson so explicitly promoted the white supremacist tenet that the Anti-Defamation League demanded he be fired. But Lachlan Murdoch responded, “A full review of the guest interview indicates that Mr. Carlson decried and rejected replacement theory.” It was a laughable statement, but the results are no joke.
Since then, Carlson has barreled ahead with promoting the replacement theory, correctly surmising that he has the full backing of at least Murdoch the Younger. What’s worse is that the cancer has metastasized:
Media Matters explains:
Over the past two months, as Carlson became the face of Fox, “replacement” has proven a dominant theme of his program. It also spread to other Fox personalities and, increasingly, to Republican political operatives and politicians as well. Given Carlson’s sway over both his network and the GOP, that trend is likely to continue.
Media Matters provides eight examples of Carlson reiterating the “great replacement” theory in the last two months. The site notes that Carlson doesn’t come right out and say Democrats want whites replaced by nonwhites but no one (except Murdoch, maybe) can miss what he means.
Here are some of the examples:
June 7: “How did migrants get from Congo to Lewiston, Maine, and why?” Carlson asked about President Joe Biden’s immigration policy. “Well, because [Biden White House adviser] Susan Rice and ideologues like her very much want to change Maine's demographics as well as the population mix in every other state in the union.” He went on to accuse Democratic leaders of “importing huge numbers of new voters into the United States” because they “no longer believe in democracy as constituted, and they definitely don't plan to lose another election,” calling this “the most radical possible attack on the core premise of democracy.”
April 30: Carlson accused Democrats of “an attack on our democracy” because “they only care about stacking the electorate.” He added: “They want to change who votes, so they win. They're diluting the votes of Americans, of all backgrounds, and that is an attack on democracy, period.”
April 15: Carlson claimed that Democrats “are changing everything, whether we like it or not,” including “a brand-new national population.” He called that a “revolution” reminiscent of how “Germany got Hitler.”
In case there are any doubts about Murdoch's approval, last month, he called Carlson "brave" because he says what's on people's minds.