August 9, 2021

Senator Rick Scott didn't have the nerve or character to tell Floridans to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
Experts are suggesting travel bans to and from Florida because the Delta variant is raging in his state.

Guest host Brett Baier confronted Scott over the explosion of COVID cases in his state of Florida and highlighted Gov. DeSantis's executive orders prohibiting school districts from protecting their students with a mask mandate.

Baier asked, "Should he have done that now?"

Instead of taking the question seriously and responding in kind, Rick Scott made believe COVID is no joke, but didn't want to hurt anybody's fee-fees.

Scott almost whispered when he admitted that "He took the vaccine."

He talked gobbledygook for the remainder of this topic like a weasel.

"Just give us good information," he said. Sen. Scott claimed all COVID information has become too political. he never said by who, just made a vacuous statement.

"If you feel comfortable, get the vaccine, if you don't fear it how are you gonna keep yourself safe. I mean that's what I believe we should be doing."

As Florida is in the midst of a COVID outbreak, the senator's best wished were he hoped no one else gets sick

"I love my mom, but I hate when she tells me what to do," Sen. Scott said.

What is he eleven-years old? He's a f**king Senator!

When your mom told you to take your medicine when you were a kid, you may not have liked it, but you took it.

Stand up and try to save the lives of your constituents.

That's the very least you can do.

Of course his number one motive is to make sure the insane MAGA base doesn't get mad at him.

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