Remember when Hillary's computer programmer took advantage of HIS constitutional rights? Trump World declared him GUILTY.
November 24, 2021

Alex Jones explained to anyone who would listen that he'll take advantage of his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination before the January 6 investigators.

He is within his constitutional rights to do this.

But Alex Jones isn't saying that testifying means he would incriminate himself. He's blaming the January 6 Committee, and the FBI, for something-something entrapment.

"They will claim I lie about something to the committee, which isn't even true—I wouldn't lie—then they will have the FBI and the Justice Department indict me for lying to Congress. I'm not stupid," Jones said.

Jones continued to slander the committee: "So they've been asking why other people weren't declaring the Fifth. I'm probably going to declare the Fifth, not because I've done anything wrong but because these people are political criminals that have an axe to grind."

And he's going to have a VERY SPECIAL VIDEO for SALE on December 7! Watch for it! Never let a hot news cycle go un-grifted!

Back when Hillary Clinton's tech person exercised his Fifth Amendment rights to avoid answering questions from the BENGHAZI committee (talk about "political criminals") the entirety of Trumpworld declared that an admission of guilt.

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