January 11, 2022

Australia has some of the most stringent COVID regulations in the world, so when tennis' number one player somehow managed to get a medical exemption to play in the Australian Open this year, despite being unvaccinated, that angered many. The ensuing saga is too long to detail here and is still ongoing as to whether he will be allowed to play or not, but for these two newscasters they already have their minds made up about Novak Djokovic.

Source: Daily Mail

Two of Australia's highest profile news presenters have been caught in leaked footage calling unvaccinated tennis champion Novak Djokovic an 'a***hole' while preparing for the nightly news.

7News Melbourne presenters Rebecca Maddern and Mike Amor slammed the controversial player in a foulmouthed, hot mic rant that was later leaked online.

Djokovic, a nine-time Australian Open champion, jetted Down Under last week for the tournament, carrying a medical exemption from being vaccinated - citing he had tested positive to Covid on December 16 last year.

He was quickly detained at Melbourne Airport after border officials refused to accept the exemption, sparking five days of legal wrangling before a judge ordered his release on Monday, asking in frustration: 'What more could this man have done?'

But the judge's comments clearly weren't enough to placate the two news presenters.

Their expletive-laden rant, which appears to have taken place as they prepared to present the station's 6pm news program, included Maddern saying: 'whatever way you look at it, Novak Djokovic is a lying, sneaky, a***hole.'

Rebecca Maddern: 'Whatever way you look at it, Novak Djokovic is a lying, sneaky, a***hole.'

Mike Amor: 'He's an a***hole.'

RM: 'Like whatever way you look at it, it's unfortunate that everybody else stuffed up around him.

MA: 'That's it, I mean he's an a***hole.'


MA: 'He got a bullshit f*****g excuse and then fell over his own f*****g lies. It's just what happens, right, that's what happened.'

RM: 'Yeah. And then, he now then ticking he didn't go to Spain.'

MA: 'Yeah, yeah.'

RM: 'It's just like...'

MA: 'I think he's going to get away with it.'

RM: 'Oh, he is. He's going to get away with it.'

MA: 'I think most fair minded people would say "Look, the bloke's an a***hole". Did we, did they do the right thing by him, I don't know.'

RM: 'No. I don't think so.'

MA: 'They f****d it up. That's the problem, isn't it?'

RM: 'I don't think, I don't think anything was gained by putting him in (an) immigration hotel.'

MA: 'No, but the trouble is, how do you justify the person (who is) also on the same plane with him who also has...'

RM: 'You can't justify it, but the fact is, life is never fair.'

MA: 'Yeah.'

RM: 'Some people fly first class and some people, do you know what, it's never fair.'

MA: 'Yeah. But that poor Czech girl that was f*****g sent home. Hunted down and sent home.'

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