Mike's Blog Round-Up
Atomic SkyCredit: M. Bouffant
March 18, 2022

The Nuclear Threats Edition

Badtux: Propaganda and Lies.

At The Rectification of Names, Yastreblyansky attempts to use Twitter to clue Tenn. Sen. Blackburn about, you know, reality. Too bad the Senator isn't likely to read what crap her flunkies Tweet for her, or the responses.

Jack Cluth notes that the repellent Ted Cruz is using Trump's schtick where some unidentified schmuck is overcome w/ gratitude for something that probably didn't happen.

From the "LOCK HIM UP!" files: Ten Bears notes that Ammon Bundy has again gotten away w/ criminal activity. Are there no laws? What happened to setting an example?

No bonus because you people the liberal blog-o-sphere has been slacking on cute animal items recently.

Another underappreciated classic from M. Bouffant. Keep submitting suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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