March 10, 2022

Above: On this day in 2003 during a concert in London, England, Dixie Chicks (now just The Chicks) lead singer Natalie Maines said that the band was "ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas", causing the Right to completely lose their minds and the Dixie Chicks to be canceled. The Chicks, Not Ready To Make Nice

Over at Dame Magazine, OG blogger Athenae pours righteous fire on Legacy Media’s Useless Mea Culpas.

Wonkette brings us up-to-date on the goings on of Dave Brat, he who was once a Republican wingnut congressperson for a minute before getting beaten by Democrat Abigail Spanberger, who then shambling off to become the dean of the business school at the Falwell clown college known as Liberty University. Brat showed up on Steve Bannon's podcast this week to advise Ukraine that their best bet is to surrender To Putin imediately. Because he's a helper!

Via Digby, Bill Barr’s new book: a study in Fox News Brain Rot.

Attention space nerds! How SpaceX got Starlink up and running in Ukraine.

Round up by Driftglass of his own blog and The Professional Left Podcast. Send links to mbru (at) crooksandliars (dot) com.

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