Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin pushed back idiotic attacks from Matt Gaetz, who once again wanted nothing more from an important issue than a soundbite for OANN and Newsmax.
During today's House Armed Services hearing, Gaetz attacked Secretary Austin, bashing the military for discussing socialism through a speech by French professor Thomas Piketty.
Every time Gaetz ranted out a question, he cut off Secretary Austin before he could give a proper answer to the question , no matter how stupid it was.
Gaetz was rambling about hypersonic missiles and how the US is behind the world. "It's North Korea on pace to shatter prior records the number of missiles that they are testing," Gaetz said.
I thought Trump getting love letters from Kim Jong -Un was the most important thing?
"We got time to embrace critical race theory at West Point. To embrace socialism at the National Defense University to do mandatory pronoun training..." Gaetz whined, desperately looking for his Newsmax moment.
A frustrated Austin replied, "This is the most capable, the most combat critical force in the world. It has been, and it will be so going forward."
Not if we continue down this path, Gaetz yelled. "Not if we embrace socialism!"
Austin replied evenly, :"The fact that you're embarrassed by your country..."
"I'm embarrassed by your leadership," Gaetz cried.
Austin tried to talk and Gaetz kept cutting him off.
"You guys said that Russia would overrun Ukraine in 36 days. You said that the Taliban would be kept at bay for months," Gaetz mewled. "You totally blew those calls and maybe we would be better at them if the National Defense University actually worked a little more on strategy a little less on wokeism."
There you have it Critical Race Theory, socialism, and wokeism, he's on a roll.
Austin dropped the hammer: "Has as it occurred to you that Russia has not overrun Ukraine because of what we've done and our allies have done?"