June 18, 2022

Republicans are still at war with their own party, which began when Donald Trump ascended to power. Cruelty is Trump's raison d'être, and his followers have adopted that since he normalized viciousness.

Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye in Afghanistan, was targeted by right-wing assh*oles at the Republican Party of Texas convention when far-right social media activist Alex Stein and other witnesses described as members of the Proud Boys began shouting "eyepatch McCain" at him. Crenshaw, of course, wears an eyepatch. I can't stand the guy's politics, but they went beyond the pale.

Via Mediaite:

A witness to the incident tells Mediaite that in addition to Stein and others being escorted out of the building, some arrests were made at the scene.

In a photo shared with Mediaite, some of the ejected persons are seen outside the building wearing Proud Boys gear.

"They got physical with multiple people, including hitting them with cameras," a witness at the scene explained. "His campaign manager was assaulted by being pushed aggressively into a pillar."

I'm not sure why they targeted Crenshaw, but here we are. Stein shared the video on his Twitter account, with his followers praising his cruel and childish actions at the convention.

And this guy posted a clip of him harassing the GOP Congressman.

Crenshaw responded:

The group of misfits got the term 'Eyepatch McCain' from none other than Tucker Carlson. It shocks no one that they are upset over Ukraine receiving U.S. financial assistance. These alleged humans have always been on Putin's side.

Slava Ukraini!

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