July 25, 2022

During Sunday's Newport Folk Festival, the much-loved Joni Mitchell made an unannounced surprise appearance to the delight of her fans everywhere.

Mitchell, who has retired from public performances in recent years, suffered a brain aneurysm seven years ago so this was a real treat.

The venue was billed as "Brandi Carlile and Friends" but to the delight of many, Carlile branded the event as "Joni Jam."

The LA Times reported, "Other musicians taking part included Wynonna Judd, Marcus Mumford, Blake Mills, Taylor Goldsmith of Dawes and Jess Wolfe and Holly Laessig of Lucius. Mitchell’s set included songs such as “Carey,” “Big Yellow Taxi,” “Help Me,” “Both Sides Now” and “The Circle Game.”

This festival was where Joni Mitchell made her mark in the 60's and just before the release of her mega-hit "Blue" album.

In an interview with CBS News, Mitchell said she relearned to play guitar by watching videos of herself “to see where I put my fingers.” Asked how she found the will to do that, Mitchell said, “I don’t know, but the surgeon that did the brain surgery on me, he said I had will and grit.”

Here's The Circle Game, and your open thread is below.

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