The most recent polling in Pennsylvania has Mastriano at only 35% against Josh Shapiro at 50%. A commanding lead by Shapiro in a state where races are usually close.
Source: Newsweek
An August 17 poll carried out by Public Opinion Strategies (POS) for Pittsburgh Works Together found Democrat Josh Shapiro has a commanding 35 to 50 percent lead over Trump-endorsed candidate Doug Mastriano.
Pennsylvania State Senator Mastriano previously claimed the 2020 Presidential Election was "compromised" and the Republican indicated he wanted to overrule voters in the Keystone State.
Mastriano's campaign against supposed election irregularities in Pennsylvania resulted in positive remarks from Donald Trump, who has continued to allege widespread voter fraud.
Undaunted, Trump-loving Mastriano retweeted and put on his Facebook page numbers from a polling outfit that until two days ago did not exist, still has no website, and has never had a candidate as a client, according to the FEC.
Fake, in other words.

From their Twitter blurb: "The gold standard of American polling." Former GOP internal now delivering the best and most reliable data to a community desperately in need of brilliance.
More than a few people were skeptical.
Kimberley Guilfoyle was another easy mark.
Alleged pollster Carleton Polling's tweets have all the hallmarks of trolling.
So if the point of all this is to see just how gullible some people are then they've obviously succeeded. How long this joke can last remains to be seen.