Strzok Trolls Trump And Hannity, Hilarity Ensues
Credit: Screengrab
August 17, 2022

Former FBI agent Peter Strzok trolled the former president over the Mar_A-Lago search warrant.

Strzok was made the villain and scapegoat by the Trump administration and Fox News to deflect from RussiaGate, after his text messages critical of Donald Trump were leaked.

Last night, Fox News host Sean Hannity took time to explain the Strzok troll and said he was not amused.

Hannity read the former FBI agent's tweet and said, "That's supposed to be funny?"

That's called 'owning the traitors."

You know Strzok got under Hannity's skin, because he strung together a ridiculous amount of negative adjectives trying to smear Strzok and Hillary Clinton.

"It's pretty unhinged this tinfoil hat conspiracy, and frankly the rank arrogance of people like Strzok and Hillary Clinton -- " Hannity said.

I'm not sure why Strzok's tweet got to Hannity, but I enjoyed it. And a more important point: how many of Sean's viewers would have known about the Strzok tweet if Sean hadn't read it to them?

Peter Strzok responded with the same point:

Sean Hannity has a lot of explaining to do himself about his own contacts with Trump and others in the past administration during and around the time of the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol.

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