September 1, 2022

Don Lemon got into it with CNN's Scott Jennings after he whined about President Joe Biden referring to MAGA Republicans as "semi-fascist." Yes, they are going to ride that crybaby train for ages.

"He ran his campaign on, 'I'm going to unify the country.' His message to the nation was, 'we're all in this together; I'm going to unify the country,'" Jennings said. "And now, he's out saying two things. One, 'lots of y'all are fascist, and by the way, if you vote Republican, there's a decent chance our democracy will no longer exist.' These are not unifying messages by any stretch."

"I think there are 70-80 million Americans who would say just because I choose to vote Republican doesn't make me a fascist…," he continued.

"I gotta be honest with you. He did not call all Republicans fascists," Lemon shot back. "He said MAGA Republicans."

"Why is it up to Joe Biden to divide up the Republicans?" Jennings asked.

Lemon said that Trump would "every single day talk shit about everybody including members of his own party, probably you on CNN, and now everybody is all of a sudden they've got the vapers about one statement that Joe Biden made in the entire year-and-a-half of his presidency."

MAGA Republicans are acting like fascists. That's a fact. So, if they don't want to be labeled as such, they should stop acting like fascists. It's simple. As far as the unity that Biden promised, well, maybe Republicans should quit making threats to Democrats, including the President, and stop saying, "F*ck Joe Biden" for a minute.

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