September 2, 2022

We already knew that Ginni Thomas’ efforts to overturn the election included texts to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, emails to 29 Arizona lawmakers, some of them twice, and outreach to “alternate electors” schemer and former law clerk for her husband, John Eastman. She has also admitted to attending the Jan. 6th rally that preceded the assault on the U.S. Capitol. Now we know that she urged at least two Wisconsin lawmakers to take up the alternate electors scheme:

From The Washington Post:

“Please stand strong in the face of media and political pressure,” read the emails sent Nov. 9, just days after major media organizations called the presidency for Biden. “Please reflect on the awesome authority granted to you by our Constitution. And then please take action to ensure that a clean slate of Electors is chosen for our state.”

Thomas sent those emails to Wisconsin state Sen. Kathy Bernier, then chair of the Senate elections committee, and state Rep. Gary Tauchen, as well as to all 29 Arizona lawmakers, the Post reported. Wisconsin and Arizona were two battleground states that went for Biden.

It’s impossible to believe that Ginni Thomas, who is also an attorney, would not be fully aware that election-related cases would likely go before her husband. And it’s just as impossible to believe that her husband had no idea that his wife was working to undermine a federal election.

Yet in January, instead of recusing himself, Clarence Thomas was the lone dissenter when the Supreme Court denied Donald Trump’s request to withhold documents from the January 6th committee.

In June, Ginni Thomas laughably claimed she was eager to comply with the January 6th committee’s request for an interview, saying, “I can’t wait to clear up misconceptions. I look forward to talking to them.” Before the month was over, she wasn’t so keen to talk to the committee, after all.

What is this wife of a Supreme Court justice still hiding from the public? It makes me shudder to think what we still don’t know.

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